I go another

in #prameshtyagi7 years ago


Not everyday is the perfect day. Not every moment is a perfect moment. We as human beings cannot be positive, happy all the time. It needs a lot of conscious, continuous practice and loads of patience to look for silver lining, a ray of hope in worst of the situations.
As I believe that Positivity attracts Positivity.. Happiness attracts Happiness, I religiously use my Secret Shifters to change my vibrations, my mood whenever I start feeling negative.

By Secret Shifters, I mean things that can change your feelings in a snap.

My Secret Shifters are Meditational Music on You Tube, my favourite music, a light hearted Novel, my favourite comfort food, shopping and a stroll in nature.
Different things work at different times, so if one doesn’t work, I go to another.


The modern cameras cannot bring the moon into focus.