First let me introduce myself, i am a 29 year old Norwegian man who moved to the north of Sweden for a year for a technical education. I like pranks, sometimes taking them way to far also =)
The Sweedes are a funny people, they never ever say anything racist PC++ and very polite
From the school we get boxed in 2 people in one apartment (own bedroom)
When i came home today i discovered someone has moved in my house, so i went to cook, and no one came to greet me .
I went to my room put this beautiful song on repeat for the last 5 hours on my stereo. No complains yet.
As i feel like killing infadels right now and think i need to sleep on the idea of making a mock bomb, will update tomorrow
I have no idea what they are saying in the song, can someone translate ?
i am assuming he's finnish since he eats the dark bread. All the info i have about this guy are these pictures.
White shoes
He Shaves althou no shaving gel found:o :
He eats dark bread
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Thank you. Usually just lurk around but the idea of how this comunity is built is fantastic so had to register :)
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