depend on God without a word of fatigue, ask what you want in life, because if your request is good, then there will be no reason for God not to grant it.
You must never be tired in asking and asking Him, because sometimes God gives you a pause on what you ask.
But how long is the pause that God offers you, realize wisely that God is all-hearing, and God always knows when your request is really good for you.
ask Allah as often and as much as possible, because Allah is very happy when you claim that His servant is very dependent on Him.
Why are you still hesitant when praying to Him? Because you ask for everything you want in this life, and God will offer you the best.
Wherever and in any situation depends on God, do not give your heart a gap not to depend on Him, until you finally forget to depend on Him.
However, what you have to do when you ask for your desire for God, surrender and sincerity before your request comes true, so that when God destined not according to your request then your heart can be patient and legowo.
And all you have to know is that Allah is wise, Allah will never reject the request of His servant, but sometimes Allah changes the request of his servant with a better one.
So, just pray to God as often as possible, long before your request is answered, so that you will not easily complain at the time of His other destiny.
be patient, if you think the prayer that you have been praying for has not been answered by God, because indeed there are some prayers that God must guard before being assigned to you.
Why? Because God wants to perfect your expectations with blessings and kindness, because that is why the fulfillment is sometimes long.
Yes, sometimes God gives you a break for so long, why? Because God wants you to keep on asking and begging Him.
be patient, oh yourself, your prayer has been heard by God, so never worry it won't come true. Because none of the prayers of a servant is rejected by Him, only sometimes is replaced by a better one.
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