steem on! rise the tide and all ships will sail.

in #prayer7 years ago

So today instead of being drug down by anything I can't help but see how beautiful today is and the fact that my puppy is smiling and I've also got this huge ass solar panel which is been my dream for quite a while.

I don't have time for drama or games but what I do have time for is building things and community.

Not all families get along all the time however arguments are helpful and positive if you can reconcile. But now here is something that should be explained.

No matter what argument happens there is personal responsibility and both sides need to accept their own personal responsibility.

Not all relationships Were Meant to grow.

And as well I can't wait for the rest of my dreams to come true because so many more relationships are being made and growth is being accomplished.

I am not always perfect human being but I always definitely try to have as much patience as I can.

However if you are not love somewhere you need to find where Real Love Is! If the environment that you're currently in is toxic you need to go to someplace that is completely opposite.

Changing your head space can change your entire Outlook and direction in life.

Honestly enough I should always have humility and integrity. These are two traits that I work everyday on perfecting.

I am just another humble person in the world.

Creator bless me as I walk today and help me find the right path. May I know the difference between real friendship and the toxic people's who want to take advantage of others. Thank you for the blessing of being able to see someone's heart. And the wisdom to be patient to see actions before words.


Grow grow and grow! More work needs to be done and don't stop being positive! Let's keep going and spreading the love and vision!

insightful. very nice my friend

i notice that bitcoin is going up much faster then the alts

We will see what all happens.. I love watching.