Prayers For Satanic Ritual Abuse

in #prayer8 years ago
  1. I renounce ever signing my name over to satan or having my name
    signed over to satan.
  2. I announce that my name is now written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
  3. I renounce any ceremony where I may have been wed to satan.
  4. I announce I am the Bride of Christ.
  5. I renounce any and all covenants that I made with satan.
  6. I announce that I am a partaker of the New Covenant with Christ.
  7. I renounce all satanic assignments for my life including duties
    marriage, children, and employment.
  8. I announce and commit myself to know and do only the will of God
    and accept only His guidance.
  9. I renounce all spirit guides, spirit wives, or spirit husbands and any
    and every evil spirit assigned to me.
  10. I announce and accept only the leading of the Holy Spirit of God.
  11. I renounce ever giving of my blood or any bodily fluid or part of
    my body in the service of satan.
  12. I trust only in the body and shed blood of my God Jesus Christ.
  13. I renounce ever drinking of blood, eating of flesh, and any other
    item for satanic ritual.
  14. By faith I eat only of the spiritual body and blood of Jesus Christ
    for communion.
  15. I renounce any and all guardians, satanic parents, handlers, or
    anyone else assigned to me.
  16. I announce that God is my Father and the Holy Spirit is my
    guardian by which I am sealed by faith.
  17. I renounce any baptism in blood, urine, or any other fluid or
    substance where I am identified with satan.
  18. I announce that I have or been baptized into Christ Jesus and
    my identity is now in Christ.
  19. I renounce any and all sacrifices that were made on my behalf
    by which by which satan may claim ownership of me.
  20. I announce that only the sacrifice of Christ has any hold on me.
    I belong to Him. I have been purchased by the blood of the Lamb.
  21. I renounce any and all implants, microchips, and any device
    foreign to my body that is put there contrary to the Will of God.
  22. I announce I have been implanted with the Holy Spirit of the
    One True Living God who now resides in my spirit guiding me to all
    truth and perfecting me for the ministry of the saints.
  23. All these I pray in Jesus name AMEN.