Using Lucid Dreaming to predict the Lottery

in #predictions7 years ago (edited)

I set myself the goal of finding the winning lottery numbers in a lucid dream. Why not? Might be a bit of a long shot, but I had nothing to lose.

When I became lucid, I was in an underground dwelling that resembled a hobbit hole. Nothing in particular tipped me off that I was dreaming other than the way it felt. It felt like a dream. It took me a moment to recall my goal, find the winning lottery numbers!

I immediately set about looking for a newspaper, and found one fairly quickly. I purposely avoided looking at the date of the paper, as I didn't want to waste what little lucid time I had looking for a newspaper with the right date. Everything requires your attention to exist in a dream, and for this purpose, I thought it best to ignore that variable.

I flipped open the first page, and there they were, the lottery numbers I was seeking. I stared at them, committed them to memory, then looked away and mentally ran the numbers through my mind to make sure I had them. Here, I made a big mistake, because when I looked at the newspaper again to double check, all the numbers had changed! Now I had two sets of numbers to remember, and I wasn't entirely sure about the first set of numbers anymore.

I memorized the second set of number as best I could, then woke myself up, so I could write them down. It was simply too many numbers to remember, and in the end, I could only come up with 6, which was all I needed really. I wasn't sure which set they were from, of even if they were all the actual numbers from my dream, as my recall was a little fuzzy.

I played what I had, and in the end, I got 3 our of 6 numbers right. Not enough to win anything, and I've yet to try again.

Is 3 our of 6 numbers significant, or simply random? I'll give it another shot. Might be a good idea to practice remembering number sets in the meantime, to make the numbers easier to remember when I do dream of them.


great post! I am new to steem please follow me back if you like :) @morfee

Thank you, just testing the waters so far with a bit of varied content.

Look into the PEG memory technique. Daniel Love mentioned it in his lucid dreaming book and it works wonders for remembering a lot of items, in and out of dreams.