My Pregnancy Journal - Week 14 - Life is good! :D

in #pregnancy7 years ago (edited)

Well as I have entered the second trimester of the pregnancy my hormones have definitely began to settle as predicted by so many.

Scientifically this is deemed to be because the placenta has now taken over the providing of certain things that the babies need and my hormones have done their bit now. This is how I understand it anyhow.

Baby brain has kicked in... I am already a forgetful person and relatively clumsy, but now I seem to be taking these annoying traits to a whole new level.

I have felt the babies moving around more and more over the last few days, it's no longer as gentle as a tickle and more of an obvious movement, I can see the positions of my 'bumps' changing from time to time.

I have had a LOT more energy and have happily managed to get things done. I have made some christmas cards and gifts, I have been out to visit people and the house is relatively clean and tidy!

Next on the pregnancy agenda is to find out the gender of the babies. Once I have £100 I shall book a scan and then I can begin shopping and planning! : )
