How exciting that the time has now come to discover the gender of these two little lives growing inside me!
We booked a private scan mainly due to impatience (the NHS scan comes at 20 weeks and they only reveal the gender at their discretion).
Baby 'A's legs were crossed initially, however there was no hiding the gender of Baby 'B'. He is a little boy! :D
After two attempts at confirming the gender of Baby A, the radiographer said that she could only be 75% sure. There was a moment when it looked as though Baby A was a boy too, however another image showed nothing and it is most likely that the baby's hand was between the legs at the time.
To be sure we are going to have another scan next week but I am sure that it is a little girl, however I shall hold off from buying anything pink until after the confirmation scan.
I feel the babies move around often now, and during the scan we saw both of them drinking. Their little jaws were opening and closing - it was amazing!
They have been responding to sound - there is a lot of movement from both sides when I play music.
This image is a scan of both of their heads, each in their own amniotic sacs.