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RE: My Twins Pregnancy Journal - Week 20 "I am now doing this on my own!!" and Gender Reveal!

in #pregnancy7 years ago

it's called taxes and irs will take care of it, then the congress has voted for support for single mother... In all events I am sorry for what happen to you. it is tragic. What happen? cheating? please feel free to flag me down or not answer my inappropriate questions and lowlife comments. they are just pixels on a screen. they don't have meaning, unless you do...


I do not live in America and although the father of my children has left me, he will be providing financially for his children. As things currently stand I should not need to turn to the government for help paying for my children. However, If I did, I have paid over £1000+ in tax every month for many of the last 18 years so if I did need to take a little back down the line, I wont be feeling bad about it.

What happened? He didn't love me like a partner.