Teenage Pregnancy Rates Worldwide

in #pregnancyrates7 years ago

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Something i read premarital sex is sexual activity that has been indulged and/or continually practiced by people before marriage; a study found that premarital sex was considered unacceptable in "predominantly muslim nations" (i.e. in southeast asia, middle east, etc.) having over 90% disapproval; while western european countries were the most accepting with less than 10% disapproval; however, other world religions such as christianity (i.e. catholic church) preaches that premarital sex is a sin.

People who have premarital sex are recommended by health professionals to take precautions to protect themselves against sexually transmitted infections & diseases; there is also a risk of an unplanned pregnancy in heterosexual relationships (and the increase in unwanted births or orphans); formal education among schools (and public media for public health) teach sex education programs to students about reproductive health, safe sex practices, sexual abstinence, birth control, family planning, chastity, preserving virginity before marriage, etc.

Teenage pregnancy vary among countries and range from 143 per 1000 girls in some african countries, to 2.9 per 1000 in northern asia, and 52.1 per 1000 in north america (the highest in the western world or 4 times the average of the european union); in economics, teenage pregnancy rates is used as a measure for the level and effectivity of sex education (and of chastity)

Pornography (or the access or availability of printed or visual materials containing the explicit description of sex or display of sexual organs or activity intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings) - is said to also contribute to the increase in pre-marital sex, and/or the decrease in chastity and proficiency of people to respect sex (for procreation in establishing families) and handling the responsibility of having a good family (marriage and children)" (researched)

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