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RE: Prejudices-serious monkey business

in #prejudice8 years ago

This is a deep topic and highly relevant to the current affairs of the world. I believe that if people of different cultures had more chances to work together to build something mutually beneficial, they will find out just how much alike us humans all are.

I have a friend from Bosnia that I met in graduate school. He is a very tall and big guy, very mild-mannered, a real "gentle giant." I have no idea what his ethnicity is and it just never occurred to me to ask.

This is one thing I like about Steemit. You can get to know people from all over the world and focus on discussing each others ideas and experiences without being biased by gender, age, or ethnicity.


I agree with you, completely. This text just opens discussion, and i was always wondered who can strongly belive in prejudice. I have a lot of friends from Bosnia, we are so similar and then I wonder how it all happened. Prejudices are underestimated, and that is one side of the problem. We have the same opinion about Steemit. Thanks for the excellent comment!