My heart is broken
My daughter is a drug addict, I written about it before, it is heartbreaking but something else recently happened and I am so heartbroken, she was pregnant, I don't even know if she knew, but I sure didn't even when I saw her last month, she didn't look it. She had a boy prematurely on November 3, 2022. Solas Anders Nelson is what she named her baby born at 23 weeks and died at birth, because of her drug use. Solas is my 3rd grandchild. I am so heartbroken, but that is only the beginning of what I am feeling. I am also sad that she wouldn't get help and allowed her baby to die because of her drug use.
OB/GYN called but so did a funeral home
It took me a few days to put two and two together. When OB/GYN called I thought oh now she is pregnant and I told them I don't know why she gave my number she is in active drug use and I don't have no way of getting a hold of her except through facebook I would message her to tell her they were trying to get a hold of her. But because of her drug use I didn't know if she would respond. Then a couple of days later a funeral home called me looking for the Family of Solas Anders Nelson and I was like lady you got the wrong family. She never said my daughter's name. A couple of days after those calls I did have a passing thought what if my daughter was pregnant and gave birth, but then dismissed it because I just saw her last month and she didn't look pregnant.
Then she called me asking me to pick her up to make arrangements for her baby
And I realized that I was that baby's family. I told her that I would and she was suppose to call me. I canceled all my appointments and she ghosted me and never called to make the arrangements. Today I found out the Coroners office has been trying to find her, the address she gave them she was evicted from 8 months ago. Her baby died 13 days ago and she hasn't contacted the funeral home to take care of his final arrangements as in my state any baby further than 20 week has to have a funeral and be buried or cremated.
Today the coroner released my grandson to me to make his final arrangements
I am heartbroken but I am also angry that she has not claimed her baby and made final arrangements for him. But maybe that is why she told me, cause she knew I wouldn't leave him unclaimed. I pray she hits rock bottom and gets help. Please pray for my family. And if you are doing drugs please get help before it is too late. Even if you can't feel the love others have for you because you stopped loving yourself people do love you.
Oh no, my condolences! That is so sad, I'm so sorry. My thoughts are with you and your family.
thank you, I have been crying off and on all day my heart is truly broken atm
Hey Mama. I hope that you and her find peace... I pray that this shakes off the fear of getting help for herself.
My condolences. Hugs 🦋
The same prayers I been praying. Thank you @tezmel
Oh, how heartbreaking on so many levels.
(( hugs ))
I am a mess, and tonight she finally called and is pissed the coroner after not being able to get a hold of her for 13 days released the baby for me to sign off on his arrangements, I didn't know what to do. What I didn't say earlier because I was processing, the coroner said if the baby was left for too long without being claimed they would cremate him in a mass cremation with others who had not been claimed. I had no clue that was done, it left me horrified. I wasn't about to leave him unclaimed after that. We got into an argument and I ended hanging up on her after she turned verbally abusive. This is a mess.
Oh wow! Sorry to hear this. I hope your daughter gets better too.
It is my prayer daily.
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@isnochys how many times are you gonna post the same thing on this post?