Wow! That sounds intense! Welcome into this great big world baby girl.
I am not sure how well versed your health-care professionals are in tongue and lips ties because here in Canada the information is just now becoming more accepted. Both our twins had tongue ties which meant they couldn't lift their tongue to the roof of their mouth therefore couldn't extract milk properly. It was a challenging road but we had their ties cut and we had to do stretches every 5 hours for 3 weeks. Either way, I hope baby is able to figure our nursing and her and mama are well. -Aimee
Thanks, Aimee! Our medical professionals are pretty behind the times here. One of my sons was also born tongue tied and had surgery when he was a little older. But he nursed fine. The baby is really tiny. I think we would be stretching it for 5 pounds. I don't have a scale here so we don't know for sure. We have a doctor coming today to take a look at them.
Oh that is so tiny! Mine were 5lb. 5oz and 5lb. 9oz and that seemed so tiny. I can't imagine e them being under 5lb. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts. -Aimee
Thanks, Aimee!