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RE: Those Who Plan to Start Prepper Homestead AFTER the SHTF

in #prepper6 years ago

I have no money and bugger all assets but I'm as comfortable as anything.

I might be an old git now, but I spent my youth growing up on farm fishing, hunting (air rifle). trapping rabbits. blah, blah.
I know i can do it all again, if I have to.

Where I live now has an abundance of wildlife (not the same as where I grew up).

If/when the shit hits the fan, the only thing that bothers me is other people being dicks, not food, and there ain't much I can do about other people, so no point worrying about it.

It's all cool.
I think there are going to be millions of people, especially in the western cities - that will be saying ' So this is why we had all those zombie movies over this last few years...'

It has the potential of being brutal..


You haven't said anything I disagree with.

I saw, some time ago, some videos and articles of how to grow food without it being recognisable - I think it was called the 'secret garden'. The idea being that while your vegetable garden is recognised and stolen, you will have close to it a garden of what looks like wild plants, but that provides you and family with all you need.

If I find the info, I'll make another post....

We are lucky where we are - all year round hot weather- if you look at a rock long enough, it grows lol