This is how we were told to Protect & Survive prior to and after a nuclear attack. We were told to construct rudimentary shelters within our homes in order to minimise the effects of the heat, blast and shock wave that would ensue.
Nowadays, i feel the prepper community has progressed with regards to survivalistic methodology. Take a look at the items and construction....
No doubt some of the gear depicted here will last a long time.
Whatever happens, it will be back to basics.
Looks like what I use to build as a kid! Move to country side for better survival rates...
Yeah, goes along with most other governmental information distribution - All aimed at the 11 year old mind... Just as is the Main Stream Media.
Most of the shelters will not work, the effect of nuclear war will kill most. Look at chernobyl, if they did not pump the water out a secondary blast of 1 - 3mt could have happened.
Chernobyl was 400 Hiroshima atomic bombs, and the radiation made 1000's of km uninhabitable. The Soviet scientists said secondary blast would have made Europe uninhabitable, modern missiles have several warheads of this size in each missile. They even had to put sheep down in England, if war happens and you don't have a underground shelter you will need several Geiger counters. You will need to read the land to figure out where the fallout will be heaviest.
Correct & it was a good way of getting people to build their own coffins.
Rudimentary indeed and would anyone actually have time to construct even this sort of shelter? Probably not. I think it better to be aware of what is happening and to get yourself to where the least amount of radiation is likely to be.