True, it will happen (be because the Bible says it must); under GOD's complete control! With the Tigress Euphrates River drying up for the first time in History (again as it says it must) it can't be much longer; we must be ready!!!!
We had an earthquake last night about 11:30 PM. This is very unusual here, so I guess this qualifies as a diverse place listed in the Bible. It was a 5.1 on the Richter scale, but no one I know of was hurt.
He Always plans better that I can! As far as coincidences...

HE has helped me a lot on this homestead, it Must have a special Job for later!
God prepares things for a reason, he will tell us at his own time.... I feel that way.
True, it will happen (be because the Bible says it must); under GOD's complete control! With the Tigress Euphrates River drying up for the first time in History (again as it says it must) it can't be much longer; we must be ready!!!!
It won't be long now, it could even be this year.
Imminent for sure! But we just have to stay working....
to move forward!
We had an earthquake last night about 11:30 PM. This is very unusual here, so I guess this qualifies as a diverse place listed in the Bible. It was a 5.1 on the Richter scale, but no one I know of was hurt.