Once again you did an excellent job of writing this very important post. Being prepared is essential because you never know when things will hit. Thank-you for the list of things and all the necessary information we need to prep or in the event of a disaster. Excellent job!
Wishing you much success. @eyeofthestorm, I'm not sure if you are into sustainable living but if you are, I was recently with a group called eco-Train. They are a wonderful group who support and vote for each other. I had to resign from the group because I couldn't keep up with voting and commenting because of my situation with my dog being on oral chemotherapy. If you are interested you can contact @eco-alex who is the head of this group. You can even mention my name. I know you work really hard on your posts and sometimes it helps to have others who support you.
If you want to get a better feel for the group you can go to a post I did when I left. From the comments you can see how wonderful these people are. My post is at: https://steemit.com/ecotrain/@cabbagepatch/a-tribute-to-earthships-and-the-eco-train-steemit-group-thank-you-for-everything . You could probably reply to eco-alex's comment to reach him. Please take care! :D