in #prepping3 years ago

Fuel "Crisis"???
Not if you know what all options are available and how to go about it.

A lot of "trial and error" may result if you go head first into it all and costly repairs, however, if you have what is needed to get the job done, then you can consider alternatives to what we are accustomed to!

Look up the history of diesel engines and you will be amazed at what they were originally intended for, more precisely, what fuel(s) were intended for them.
It wasn't a crude oil derivative, it was literally veggie oil.

Now, on the newer cars that have computers controlling and monitoring every little detail, from flatulent releases in the car to the amount of dust on your winshield wiper blades, I dare say that "alternative" fuels are not an option, but with the good ol' Bosch pump technology that was utilized all the way up to the 2000's many a diesel engine could run on many types of all natural fuels and in some cases even better than the crude oil derivatives.

I am in no way suggesting you try anything of the sort, this video is simply presenting one of the pieces of equipment needed to filter out/prepare the alternative fuels out there for use in a diesel engine.

Nor am I recommending you go out and buy this, just because I purchased it, doesn't mean that I am suggesting you go our and purchase it, after all, WHY would anyone want to listen to a bloke who drove on veggie oil for years or who drove cars in a war zone that were running on all sorts of crazy oil mixes... true, that was the 90's and it was a Volkswagon diesel engine, Golf II series, which imo was almost indestructible when it came to the terror it was put through back in the day! But, no, they are not indestructible and yes, if you don't prepare the fuel properly, the damages caused can be ugly! But then, when there literally was NO fuel anywhere, WHO CARED!

I will get into that topic in another video, the purpose of this video is to show you what it looks like, a "filter sock" (bag), I am sure that many of you have never seen or heard of anything of the sort, tbh, I used to use old jeans and a tshirt overseas (when needed). Not on the store purchased crystal clear veggie oil, that stuff I poured straight into the tank, from the bottles to the tank, nothing to worry about.

Hope this video gets your thinking caps on and when I address this in future, I will give away some more info and tips, based on my own experiences and know how. Simply sharing stories and lessons learned.

Til then.

Stay safe,

prep up,

God bless.

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Being we import most of our fuel supplies we could very easily run out of it the way things are going.

All I'm saying is that there are alternatives, I will put up more videos on this topic in the coming weeks, nobody with a (traditional) diesel engine is limited to the crap that the oil refineries make and that the new cars can't work without. Diesel/Bosch technology was made to work on just about any edible oil and it can work on various mixtures of oils.
The thing is, I don't like talking about HOW I know this, as remembering the BS from the 90's is not something I enjoy "reminiscing on". Lucky for most people on this earth, you don't know first hand what I am talking about. Maybe that is why most people are letting all this BS that is going on "fly" and WHY we the people are letting the bastards we voted in get away with outright TREASON.

Stay safe,


God bless.

I agree with you there are alternatives i was just making a point for others that we could very easily have a lack of fuel in this country. Hence what you are mentioning is very worthwhile.

Here is part 2 of this project:

Looking forward to seeing how this works out for you.

Wish me luck: