The dog is a very smart prepping move! They are always on duty....
Good plan on the prepping supplies! I've recommended this myself. We cook several days a week from prepping supplies, then we take the grocery money saved and replace those supplies. Each time, we gain prepping supply volume; and develop some good recipes!
Some of it is getting pretty good. We have begun adding good recipes additions in bulk. It would have been okay, but this way it will be tasty too!
It sounds like you may already have the Community you need there. I've heard good things from upstate NY, not as far from liberals as I'd like; but it's a good choice! A Constitutional Sheriff is Good to have, and invaluable to avoid governmental overreach.
We'll all be living off of victory gardens soon, so a town full of them is a good start!
Be blessed my friend, and pet the dog errr ummm... security system!
Have you seen this guy?
No, but I'll try to find him on blurt. Looks interesting!
He's living out of a backpack. A few days ago he got ready for three days of rain, using only the stuff that is always in his backpack. Very interesting! He was here for a while, idk what happened there.
I've lived out of a backpack myself! He sounds interesting, more Good information to absorb!
When I went to a survival camp, I had a survival kit in a bandaid box to use. My buddy had one too, and we did very well for the week; but I want a bigger bug out bag now!