I grew bananas and granadills,and pawpaw but alas, the only ones who enjoyed them were the monkeys, but they are destructive in the sense that they pick the green fruit, take a bite and throw the rest away. Now I grow lemons.
Oh I tried that but they are so destructive. They are so cunning in they way they operate in their troop. The bull taunts the dogs and keeps them occupied whilst the rest of the troop raid.
I console myself with the fact that we are the invaders into their territory and I can always buy a banana or two. HA HA.
I grew bananas and granadills,and pawpaw but alas, the only ones who enjoyed them were the monkeys, but they are destructive in the sense that they pick the green fruit, take a bite and throw the rest away. Now I grow lemons.
Is there no way to place nets around the trees to prevent them from getting to the fruit?
Oh I tried that but they are so destructive. They are so cunning in they way they operate in their troop. The bull taunts the dogs and keeps them occupied whilst the rest of the troop raid.
I console myself with the fact that we are the invaders into their territory and I can always buy a banana or two. HA HA.
That is interesting to learn!