Looks like this is still running ?
Anyone ever claim their PRE dollars ? Looks like I have 1444 PRE
Get paid with PreSearch : https://presearch.com/signup?rid=521374
Presearch : https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/presearch/
Looks like this is still running ?
Anyone ever claim their PRE dollars ? Looks like I have 1444 PRE
Get paid with PreSearch : https://presearch.com/signup?rid=521374
Presearch : https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/presearch/
I had an account, have not used it for a long time
They keep adjusting my “Level” so I can never withdraw … kind of a scam
The founder is from Midland and is an awesome guy. I have been running a presearch node on a raspberry pi for a couple years now.
I hate how badly they gimped the search rewards. Takes a year to search up a few pennies worth of PRE and it is a wonder anyone uses it anymore.
I do 2 or 3 searches every few months and get a warning that I’m not supposed to use it like that. So I stopped using it like that.
I have it as my default search engine and use it ~10x per day. I have made 5 pre in the last few months from searches which is 1/3 of a penny in today's price.
Yeah… I have earned way more just using a few Bitcoin Faucets. I think I’m going to stick with Bitcoin. Slowly converting all of my various crypto to 100 % Bitcoin
Posted using MemeHive
Credit: orionvk
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