Onto the Next Steem-Powered Discussion
Our team will be presenting at the Con Artist Collective this Thursday at 7:00pm in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. The Con Artist Collective is one of the longest standing and prominent design spaces in New York City. Their vibrant community works out of a busy storefront and their programming includes lectures, workshops and artist residencies. According to founder Brian Shevlin, their goal is “helping artists be artists.”
On Thursday, we'll be showcasing the Steem ecosystem as an empowering resource for artists and content creators to explore. This will be a nice follow up from our last presentation at the CUNY Tow-Knight Center of Entrepreneurial Journalism, earlier this month.
Creatives on the Blockchain
We’re excited to expand on the needed conversation of integrating blockchain with the professional practices of creatives who depend on overly traditional and unstable foundations. Art, music, design, architecture, performance, writing, and so many more will stand to benefit from the emerging ecosystem of innovative empowerment through Steem and the cryptocurrency landscape as a whole.
When you have a chance, explore their website! Con Artist hosts frequent programs, networking events, and a huge range of creative lectures and workshops. We’re excited to engage the community this Thursday!
For more on creative initiatives and events, be sure to follow our online magazine; @creativecrypto. Launching later this Spring!
Fresh off the presses - here's the announcement via the Con Artist website:
These guys are a handful and I can see they are into alot and I am very much interested in the upcoming conversation but how do I get to watch this? Will it be live streamed or will you share us a video afterwards so that people like me who don't live in NYC and have no means of attending can be part of this great event.
Hi @sistem, good question - we don't have a livestream set up.. but we'll be documenting the event thoroughly and have a recap / takeaways posted by next week! In the future we'll try using DLive :)
@sndbox, what a great team you guys are, you touch every aspect of individual talents that exist in the blockchain. Lots of interesting, creative, educative, original and outstanding activities lined up by you guys from week to week, I am really happy to be associated with @sndbox. You guys make the chainblock exciting, educative and creative for we steemians. All I can say is thank you for a job well done.
Steem on friend! :DThanks you so much for all the support and enthusiasm @blinks.
You are most welcome @sndbox.
@sndbox you are always trying to involve in different kinds of creative activities.I am sure the workshop on thurs day will be successful.You are always trying to make this platform rich.You kinds of people are most precious gems of steemit and steemit will grow big in future for you kinds of people.Thanks for sharing with us.@upvoted
Thank you for the kind words @rupok! We enjoy these workshops and talks. It's a great opportunity to spread the word about Steem and have an in-depth conversation with super talented professionals looking to dive into blockchain.
If you have any spare moment and if you wish to then visit my blog someday.Generally whales doesn't visit minnows blog.Thank's to you once again.If there would have been few more people in steemit,it would have been a all different story.You are so kind and you are always supporting minnows by upvoting them.Which is the biggest support for the minnows.Thank's to @sndbox from deep end of my heart.
Hey always doing a good job... “helping artists be artists.” thats a good write. Following u n your social network lol
LOL! Thanks for the follow ;) @sndbox remembers haha.
You are such a creative and helpful person.You always do something new to take your creativity in a different level.You are hungry for more success and always thinking about the betterment for steemit.Thank's to @sndbox sir for your effort.@upvoted and resteemed
Amazing Amazing effort from all these communities, this will help steemit as a whole,Great projects. And thanks to @sndbox for this vital information as alwayI appereciate you for that keep it up I wish you all the best
Thanks for sharing this great link And providing information I follow youhttps://conartistnyc.com/blogs/upcoming-events/268-cryptotalk.php
Bless your passion for innovation @ sndbox. Keep utilizing it.
Amazing! Thanks for keeping us informed about this. It is wonderful!
a very good discussion to increase knowledge about steemit is very useful for me @sindbox
@sndbox always have good programs. Very empowering. I am on behalf of the community empowerment facilitator to say the highest appreciation to @sndbox
I am an artist and working on many different projects, drawing, painting, sculptures and much more. I love to by creative and present my work trough my blog.
Im looking for a (sponsor) and want to join a community like sndbox which i am following for quite some time.
Because i see some awesome artists using this tag and getting support.Is the a chance to get supported by using the #sndbox?
I post only orginal, high qulity content and always try to share something valuable to my followers becide my artworks.
here.Hi @bronkong, thanks for your support and for reaching out! @sndbox is an incubator that has a new cohort (or community group) every 6 months. You can read more about our program, We'll be opening up applications for the next cohort later this spring and encourage you to look into joining! Of course, anyone is free to use the #sndbox tag, but it doesn't mean we'll curate it. Manual curation support is reserved for:
• Community Projects
• Content published by cohort members.
• Weekly challenges, like this one.
• And Rotating @sndbox-alpha Curation Themes
Let us know if you have any questions and we'd be happy to help answer :)
I would love to join the next cohort. Thanks for all this informations, i will definitly read into it and hopefully we can work together very very soon ! :)
this is great , is it about gathering artists in steemit? or they have their own group ,
if there where a place for steemit artists (whom are far from such places ) to have the chance and opportunity to join such galleries , it would be like new way ,and exciting, i dont know maybe there are some activities like that and i don't know about it ,
It's an established gallery in NYC! They don't know much about Steemit just yet :)
We're going there to do a workshop and share more about the whole Steem ecosystem.
Ahh I wish I could make it! Sounds like it will be a great night of onboarding
Sounds awesome, please post up pictures. Love how you guys are bring together community both on Steem and offline.
Extraordinary effort,
creative endeavor
Good luck
WOW, this is incredible, the only bad thing is that I live in Venezuela, but I like this initiative of wanting to help artists and those who are starting in this incredible world, congrats.
Sounds like this is going to be a very interesting discussion, wishing I was New York based this week! :D
Wonderful and inspiring work. Upvoted and resteemed!