"In this video independent journalist Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange takes you inside the Berkley riot as Antifa and pro free speech activists faced off against each other. As the police stood down and ran away from the scene, pro free speech protestors decided to start fighting back against Antifa."
I think that's the first time I've seen an anti riot.
I've never thought of it that way, but you have a good point.
It just looked like most of what got wrecked, was the wreckers.
They sure got their asses handed to them. Did you see that girl get punched in the beginning? Damn...no Fs given.
Shut the provocateurs down!
We definitely need more Anti-Antifa types. Antifa and the like are just a bunch of A holes that pretend they have some legitimate reason to be Criminals! Fuck those people.
Antifa is against free speech?))) Am i right?)))) If so she needs to be assfucked.
Have you got a police? I can't even imagine that something like this can happen in russia. Russian police would have stopped it immediately.