Join me to watch the Biden / Trump 2020 debate. Have some memes in my OBS hotkey quiver (including a brand new Trump Supa Hot fire meme I shopped up a few minutes ago and looking forward to enjoying the spectable that this is surely to be.

Yes, I have a bias but don't we all?
If you enjoy my banter, please sub to all my channels to help me in my future hobby in commentary, political, religious, philosophical, gaming and otherwise. It would be much appreciated. Thanks!👌
This was disappointing. Wanted to see a KO. Not a 12 rd boxing match that goes to decision.
A bit anticlimactic but hoping the next will be better. Gives me time to add more memes.
Gonna polish the presentation and hopefully gain an audience. Appreciate anybody that supported.
More in moderator vs trump
Seriously. They white supremacy question he threw out there was loaded.
It's not like it was a tough question as much as it was a false dilemma because he had enumerated a list with groups that are not racist with a group that is in what appears to be an attempt to have Trump disavow them all.
Now the media smears and mob are running with it. Google is actively manipulating search results for the proud boys and Twitter / Facebook are blocking this link from being shared.
Note: I try to keep my speech clean and fail I would refrain from dropping F Bombs when I can help it but Gavin drops one in this article.
jajaja it is funny
Hey thanks! It's only gonna get better. Just got a new webcam, always making fresh memes, and will make the presentation more structured!
I checked out your blog but need to brush up on my Spanish to understand the video. My wife teaches me from music but it's hard to remember sometimes.
like for me is difficult speak english for other peoples is very difficult learn spanish, thanks for the support