Squeeze and Ream Reaches Top Recommendation On Amazon

in #pressrelease8 years ago

SF Group in Pasadena, California, previously launched their Squeeze and Ream onto the Amazon marketplace. Since that launch, the wood reamer has been considered as one of the most recommended products of its kind on the marketplace, and has currently been collecting positive reviews.

Vincent Nell with SF Group says, ''We are pleased with how well-received the wood reamer has been. Our customers are finding it a very good option for extracting citrus juice from lemon or lime effectively.

The wood reamer is available on the Amazon marketplace and can be seen at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01C3QZIK0. Vincent Nell states that it offers natural beechwood material that’s very sturdy, lightweight, non-stick, and easy to clean.

''The material is built to last,'' Vincent Nell states. ''By using the pointed tip, you can remove the seeds before using the sharp edges to squeeze out the juice.''

The wood reamer is not available in stores according to SF Group, and the company states that it works well in the kitchen, beach kiosks, or other fruit juice establishment. It can be used to squeeze the maximum amount of citrus juice for fresh drinks.

Nell adds that the wood reamer has an ergonomic round handle for an easier, sturdier grip. It’s more accurate and easy to use than a counter-top juicer.

Reviews on the Amazon marketplace praise the wood reamer, saying that it is one of the best on the market for extracting citrus juice from lemon, lime, and orange effectively. The product currently has a perfect five star rating on the marketplace, putting it in the spot as the top most recommended product of its type on Amazon. More can be seen on the company's Amazon seller's page.


Contact Protiga Group:

Sarah Dykes
909 312 0103
[email protected]

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