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RE: Pressure, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #pressure7 years ago

Pressure may shaped us or break us, it all depends on our approach towards it. Life itself posses a lot of pressure, the desire to make it in life is part of the pressure, seeing your mate doing great things, you will be pressurize from family, friends, lover and our parents. Pressure is not something we can avoid most especially when the going is not that good, a lot of negative comments from people will surely pose in, and If one is not careful, you already give up and accept defeat.

Life doesn't give you much, but for the ones who want to learn, life teaches them how to be strong before they start living their lives and win over pressure that life might posses through friends or relatives. We have to remain strong and focus no matter the threat of life to us.

Since we have no control over nature and it disasters of our reality through pressure that life might posses from any angle , all I can say is that we have always prepared for the negativity of life, life they say is not always a bed of rose, there is no one that is real from life challenges, we just have to face ours squarely and never be consumed by the fear it posses nor pressure from our family . There is no one you ask on this earth that won't have one or two things to say about what they have passed through. We have to remember that we are only free form the persecution of life only when we are no more alive so I will say we have the ability to overcome these challenges. It is with this sense of responsibility and awareness that you we can begin the journey into a higher state of consciousness where challenges are no longer challenges, but opportunities to get a glimpse of our highest
Remember nothing can stop you from achieving your positive dream and goal, never stop believing and always remember to grow the pressure of life, ride on and never lose focus.

We shouldn't expect much from life other than the challenges it posses which give us much tough time, we have to remain positive at all time through any pressure of life.