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RE: If I was UK PRIME MINISTER I would.... (fluid)

in #prime6 years ago (edited)

. 22.
I don't like the fact I think there is a betrayal of our youth going on which may actually be blamed on me and others who find out as opposed to actually having done it. An example. I have an overdraft limit with my bank. To me and for the quick benefit of kids it's like moving the zero to - 1000 or whatever number and not be made to suffer because of it on your bank account. I have just looked up the word 'overdraft' in my Chambers 21st Century Dictionary, [Chambers Harrap Publishers, Edinburgh] and it says Overdraft; noun. A state in which one has taken more money out of one's bank account than was in it. 2. The excess of money taken from one's account over the sum that was in it. (19th century). THAT is ALL it says. As far as I am concerned, my dictionary is actually a fabrication in itself. To make matters worse, very next one overdraw verb. 1 to draw more money from (ones bank account) than one has in it 2. To exaggerate in describing something. Overdrawn adj. With an overdraft at a bank...... Sorry but Chambers, how the fuck old are you and where do you come from....note 'the overdraft limit', for the benefit of kids, its not a new thing, it's been around a while. Someone with one should just treat it as a breath before you go back into positive, and should rarely need to make use of it. Its like a blanket for you just in case and most times you won't even need to think it's there. They exist (or did) for your benefit.