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RE: Another Day, Another Facebook Scandal -- Company Data Mined Email User Contacts From New Users

in #privacy6 years ago

A long diatribe about... duh.

When F-c-book asked to access my email to search for friends, i knew exactly what it was going to do.

When F-c-book was giving out free accounts, i knew exactly what it was going to do.

When it was revealed that F-c-book has ties to alphabet money, i was not surprised, everything they did was exactly by the script.

What i want to know, is when people start disappearing, are F-c-book executives going to disappear in retaliation?

And this "fining" of f-c-book. What a crock. It is just one pseudo-govern-cement agency paying another govern-cement agency part of the take.

The real problem is no one has ever been given a full bill for what is done on the internet. Fortunately, by the time people realize this, internet will become so cheap, it will be essentially free.