Some people believe they are an open book, but it can be dangerous not to maintain a certain level of privacy. Some things are best kept away from the public eye.
The Older We Become, The More We Learn
As we go through life, we realize through mistakes why privacy can sometimes be a good thing. Sometimes we learn after revealing an unpopular opinion to a group of coworkers. Or perhaps it's after writing a post on social media that comes back to haunt us. The wise learn from these mistakes and keep some things hidden.There is a big difference between being friendly and social and recklessly revealing sensitive details. Some things are truly meant to be private, like unkind comments about appearance or unnecessary complaints. Those who believe that they must share every thought that crosses their mind end up destroying friendships and burning bridges.
At this point, you're probably wondering what else should be kept private, right? Well, let's discuss some of those together.
1. Your Income
This topic is one that people are often curious about, especially among friends. People are compelled to ask each other, "How much do you make?" When salaries are similar among a group, it may not cause problems; however, the larger the difference, the more resentment and hard feelings there will probably be.It is better to keep the details of your salary, benefits, and bonuses a secret. My friends often ask how much I earn, but I've learned never to reveal these details. The best reply in such times is, "Enough to keep my tummy full." Sure, they may still insist on the exact amount, just like my friends do, but you can always insist that it's best you don't say. Try to change the subject.
2. Your Sexual Life
This topic is often discussed among friends. Whether you are in a marriage or have a girlfriend or boyfriend, you should keep your sex life secret. It's your own business how often you have sex with your partner or what you do together. It is best to refrain from asking others about their sex life as well, or you'll be forced to reveal details yourself.If someone inquires about your sexual life, try and shift the conversation to details about other things you and your partner enjoy doing together. For instance, you might like going hiking. Do your best to turn the conversation to everyday hobbies, sports, and other activities.
3. Someone Else's Secrets
Sometimes you are asked to keep things confidential. When someone shares their private details with you, you must keep that information to yourself. This is a quality of a successful businessman, a good friend, and a desirable partner. Never reveal the secrets of another whether it relates to business or personal life.Credibility and trustworthiness are precious. When someone trusts you, especially with sensitive information, you must never disappoint him and make him regret it. Guard that trust like a pot of gold. Remember that once the trust is broken, it can never be regained because the crack in the heart remains there.
As you go through life, you may find other things that you should keep private. You'll learn these things as you experience new things and make mistakes. Do your best to learn from each experience.
I am a very private person by nature and these are excellent characteristics to establish and maintain credibility and respect which are fundamentals in lifelong relationships.
I have a lot of friends who talk openly about their sex life. I find my female friends much more open than my male friends; perhaps because I am female. Sometimes you just have to talk about it with someone; especially if you were drugged or it was not consensual. Something like that is hard to discuss with a parent and not everyone can afford a counselor.
Thanks for reading. Do you think it's better to talk about your sex life than to not talk about it?
I think if you are having stress about something; you should talk to someone; perhaps first to your partner; or if they are not appropriate a friend or counselor. I prefer talking to a counselor if I can afford one. I have talked to friends and family in the past; and sometimes it has been positive and other times it has been negative, so I like to consider who I am talking to. If, on the other hand, you just want to talk about your partners performance or lack thereof in a joking manner; I would put a cork in it.
Communication is very sensetive to human being income is take in salary someone shouldn't talk about your salary to even your friend because salary is personal secret should be not be shared with your friend a married man can share his secret with his wife only sexual life is another top secret one should keep away from friend it will help a lot in marriage and also keep the relationship a long time older bring knowledge the older someone become the more knowledge the person will be wonderful post sir
As we grow older in life, there are some certain things we just need to drop because it does'nt seem to make sense anymore, there are things to make public and things to keep private, discussing your sexual life doesnt seem to make any sense, because that is for u and ur partner, once u start making it public, u endanger ur partner. About keeping other people secret. When someone tells you something, he/she trusted you to have told u, so why not maintain the trust he bestowed on u and keep his stuff secret. Because, it is meant to be. Wonderful post by you sir
Very nic posts.
Theses are three sensitive areas of our personal lives. They should be kept private
Thanks for sharing