Look up a little thing called GG Autoblocker. It's a block list created by a one Randi Harper, who used to go by the name "freebsdgirl" until the FreeBSD Foundation sent her a cease and desist for tarnishing their name with her antics. Created at the height of the shitshow that was #GamerGate, the block list is a very rudimentary perl script that uses variable names like "idiots" and "sheeple" to describe the people it blocks.
This blocklist, however, is very, very innacurate. Women, Action, Media did a thorough breakdown of the block list and found that the blocklist was highly ineffective. So ineffective, that only 1% of the accounts on it were actually engaging in harassment of people like Zoe Quinn and Brianna Wu. They also caught up KFC, Pope Francis, former President Obama, and apparently LeBron James.
This blocklist was recommended by the IGDA as a tool to help block the worst harassers of the internet, a statement that was quickly removed from their site after they realized just how wrong it actually was. Randi has since gone on to give plenty of advice to Twitter's Trust and Safety team, despite violating Twitter's own ToS on multiple occasions. She's also a real charmer:
And that tweet is tame for her. She's outright encouraged people to kill themselves, proclaimed that she has the power to stop "scum" (which in reality turns out to be people she doesn't like), and is generally not a nice person to be around.
I still have my Twitter, but I don't use it for more than following a bunch of lewdposters and announcing my streams. I've purged my following section more times than I care to admit. If I spend too much time on Twitter, I legitimately get depressed. It gets to me. It's not a good place anymore. 10 years ago, it might have been. While I appreciate that Jack Dorsey wants to get crypto on the platform, he has much bigger fish to fry first.