"Lack of trust" is inbuilt into society. All organisations have management structures in place not only to guide and assist people but also to ensure they're performing as they should. With this in mind, many businesses who could have probably benefited from their staff working from home in terms of floor space and utility costs savings kept their staff in the office to mainly keep an eye on them.
It's an ill wind that blows no good": COVID has actually proved to many companies that WFH (Working From Home) is not only a way to maintain their business but that actually, in a lot of cases, staff are even more productive! Many of my customers that I speak to state they are putting in an extra hour in the morning, having working lunches and because they don't have the dreaded 'commute home' putting in a few extra minutes at the end of the day. Obviously, as time goes by and the novelty wears off we may see some of that dedication wain a little but on the whole, I believe a lot of employers are now more open to WFH that they were in 2019 and we will see more and more business adopting this style of working.
The phrase sweeping the globe is The New Normal and I suspect more employees WFH will be par for the course although not everyone is able to do that: Bring back the good old days!
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Also to consider: WFH is not everyone’s cup of tea. The solitude, or the juggling with an active home, are different than cubicles (ugh!) with water cooler talk. Over the years I have seen several who were happy to return to a more “normal” professional setup. WFH is hard, WFH requires self-discipline and the eagerness of “oh awesome, I didn’t get furloughed so let’s stick in there” will not only wane but also expose many who don’t fit a WFH culture.
And your lunch should definitely not happen at your desk or with your laptop open on the side.
Employers are indeed more open to it but it’s now been around half a year. Talks with vendors of tracking software are close to finalize and preferred options to be chosen and budgeted. The real WFH port hasn’t started yet. The corporate surveillance is still to be implemented, dismissing that is denying decades of corporate (HR) evil.