The other week I saw a car that looks pretty much identical to the Google Maps vehicles, however the only difference that I could notice was an Apple Logo on it.
Now, at first I was thinking "...looks like Apple is going to issue an app similar to Google Maps...."
However, it kept BUGGING me.
So I kept digging and going deeper and deeper into that rabbit hole.
Then I listened to this well versed gentleman (in the video) who is also on on Odysee.
After listening to his video and taking notes the second time round of listening to it, I started looking into the details he relayed to us = the public.
Then came the moment in time when 1984 or China became reality anywhere and everywhere.
So, here I am, sharing this video here, hoping that it doesn't get taken down by YouTube. For now he should be "safe" on there, he brings in a fair amount of revenue for YT/Google.
So, please go check this out, do the homework, don't take his or my word for it.
& Think about it. Without taking the "obvious" as being something that you think "you already know".
This is much deeper than what anyone ever imagined.

A new wave of technology is something to fear. These are the Botnets controlled centrally by the Big Tech behemoths: Apple, Google and Amazon. These companie...
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Nahhh, not the future, it is our reality, today, here and now.
& all in plain sight for everyone to see and hear, that is the greatest of all means to get the masses accepting it!
Yeah, I agree it is our reality, today, happening here and now. :)
However you must know, that if and when I shyly mention the future. I'm well aware there isn't such thing as the future whatsoever. We actually live in a constant present ever changing every second.
By the way, by chance did you click on the pic in my previous comment?
Oh! and please, don't get me starting with quantum computing yet. LoL