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RE: Privacy Workshop #8: The Epidemic of Homicidal Maniacs Hearing Voices and Police-State Stalking

in #privacy7 years ago (edited)

I started following you a while ago after you left some great comments on a couple of blogs but I keep missing your posts. I will make a point of checking in the future. This is a fascinating topic and the only argument people can really make against it is the old "just because technology exists doesn't mean it's being used" one and it's bullshit in my opinion. I follow multiple targetted individuals on Twitter and have done for years and I have seen the congressional testimonies being given by victims of the TI program.
I think a lot of people choose to ignore this topic because it is just too uncomfortable. The idea that our thoughts can be read and voices/sounds transmitted into our heads is just too much for most people and that is just the tip of the iceberg. They prefer to remain ignorant.

I read something a while ago that rich people actually pay to be able to control a TI but obviously that cannot be confirmed.

I remember watching a YouTube video by a guy who had come back from a foreign country to the USA and he was talking about how he had discovered all this stuff. I didn't think much of it but a week or two later he was the guy who was killed when the police used a bomb disposal robot to actually deliver a bomb to his location (he was in some sort of police stand off) and kill him. I couldn't believe it. Do you remember that? I'll try to find more info and see if the YouTube channel is still up.

I like they way that you are not afraid to call people out on Steemit and elsewhere despite the grief you get for it. For what it's worth, I agree with you that what we have seen on Steemit recently (an influx of independent journalists) should be questioned and I was not aware that some of these 'alt media stars' literally appeared out of nowhere.

Good work.

Edited :-

Here's a link to the story about the guy killed by the bomb disposal robot. His name was Micah Johnson.


Thanks for the thoughtful comment and the link, I don't see any connection of that particular shooting to this topic however. There is no mention of voices or mental issues, he did not have a relationship with any Republic of Florida type organizations, he wasn't already under investigation or being pushed to the crime by any other organizations.

The list of crimes that I am looking at, including parkland, pulse, newtown, san bernadino, boston, norway and the nsa shooting in 2015 all have in common that there is simply no discernable motive whatsoever for the crime.

This article from oklahohoma shows how the police will target weak people with known illnesses and set them up, it is only in this case he didn't actually go through with a crime. Sometimes however it is clear that people so investigated are set up as patsies and the crime is actually done, and then the investigation is botched/half-assed/obvious lies.

I do not know why any three letter agency would do this other than to create an atmosphere of tension or to cover up some other reason for violence and deaths that the public would find unpalatable.

Like in Las Vegas, it is obvious that a team of assasins tried and failed to kill a saudi prince, so this 'shooter' story about paddock, that makes no sense is simply made up, likely to 'protect an ally' like what happened after the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty.

This demonstrates to me the level of power that the foreign agents have inside our country, that there is real danger to everyone and ultimately that the law enforcement agents of our country, the vast majority I believe to be well-meaning, are being put in danger and essentially neutered by the FBI/CIA/Mossad/King Salman at will.

A lot of the reason I write is to the law enforcement and military individuals so that they can see what they are actually taking part in, with the hope that they may begin to offer more resistance and opposition to any plans that makes them accomplices to murder.

Because right now it looks like the higher ups are making the street level police look like clowns, and frankly, putting them in a lot of unnecessary risk.

It reminds me a lot actually of Invasion USA by chuck norris, except no chuck norris comes to save the day. Chuck Norris is giving a press conference full of lies instead of catching the bad guys, and this isn't an america that I can be proud of.