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RE: Well THAT Was Unexpected! Trapped by Steemit Terms and Privacy!

in #privacy7 years ago (edited)

Is anybody out there? Where are the developers? Is this just a LITTLE weird? Or was something implemented with absolutely ZERO testing?

Hahaha yeah! ZERO testing is my guess. Obviously, I also came across this not welcome suspicious experience. And since I am not a mind reader nor a split second fast reader either. I had to put on my head my 'multicolored' techy hat to hack my way to actually read what the hell they didn't allow us to read before checking the boxes and blindly AGREE with whatever they naively thought that I would agree without first putting forward some creative resistance. }:)

So, as I am a very curious beast, I could not help but try reading beforehand what they apparently did not want me to read to be able to go ahead. Therefore, I had to recur to the darkest/blackest side of my 'multicolored' techy hat to circumvent the barriers. And I will share with you here right now my shadowy outlaw little tricks.

I just launched a second browser in my workstation. (Yeah, one of those rare & unusual web browser that I have well spiced for these special tasks) but in fact, certainly any other additional web browser that you have installed in your own PC also will work out just fine. (Whether that be Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera or whatevah)

The thing here is, once you are running that second web browser go ahead and click here and read the whole 'THANG' including the links within without interruptions. Or even better, Save the entire blessed page to your HD to read it later offline when you feel willing to swallow a good big spoon of purgative syrup.

And... ¡That's it! This way, also in about a split of a second you will have joined the prestigious club of the very well remembered Kevin Mitnick. }:)
