Webcams have given a security liability for ages, yet many of us don't cover them up. Should we? Edward Snowden, Mark Zuckerberg, and former FBI director James Comey all appear to — but none of us is celebrity or head of state, so what benefit does it give us?
Watch the video below, enjoy, and think about hackers spying on you while you sleep at night. But don't think too hard of it because that's scary.
Here are some ideas on how you can give yourself some peace of mind on this matter...
The most straightforward but not the most elegant way is to simply buy some stickers or piece of tape. You can do so for around $3-5 dollars if you can't find some tape rolling around in your garage. Only con is that tape dries out and becomes hard to unstick after a while and might leave your laptop a bit messy.
If you fancy for a more elegant solution then read further...
Webcam covers allow physically open and close your webcam whenever you need it and generally looks much better than a piece of tape...
If you have an older laptop you probably can simply go on Amazon type in "webcam cover" and get a few plastic webcam covers for around $8-15 plus shipping. Cons are that they are pretty thick and obstruct closing laptop if you have MacBook or any of those new slick laptops...
Personally, I went ahead and dropped few bucks on top for the quality and got myself these neat webcam covers from - Quality webcam covers. The biggest pros of those are that they super thin and small so compatible not only with your laptop but even with your phone.
Let me know if you worried about you being exposed to your webcam?
i cover my webcam with black tape !!!
Another option is to completely remove Windows or Mac OS on the computer. Its the OS that allows access to the webcam through either purposeful backdoors OR malware intrusion. I realize that some people can do it due to work related "issues" but if you're willing to give it a chance it is far better than tape or covers.
Hahaha .. going OS-less is the way to go ..
Kindly upvote me I am new on steem
Yes you should! When mark Zuckerberg does it , so should you!

It's nice to find such an interesting blog. Your post had inspired me so much that I decided to write my own article. You are wellcome for discussion:
yes always.
you are right i agreee with this content @voouss
Yes, you should cover your webcam!
If you care about your privacy, the webcam is the smallest problem. Smartphones, apps, location, Siri, Alexa. These are capable of collecting much more data.
Of course.. but it's still one of the problems.
I actually do think about this often especially when I bring the laptop into the bathroom to listen to something when I take a shower.
Haha, used to have same problem... Thinking what if?
Cool article, definitely is a plus to cover it. But sadly at this point in time just waking up in the morning would be enough to get tracked. Such is the 21st century :. Going off the grid is always an option though ;D.
I agree, but why make it easier?
And about the mobile front camera???
nah, just give it the random middle finger every once in a while
Yea. Not matter if we are a celeb or not. We have the right to our own privacy. One may not be popular today but who knows if he may turn into a sensation tomorrow. Its better to be safe than sorry.
always do but im a paranoid freak
I surport best we close and have nothing to worry about either now nor later.
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although i agree with you .. people that would watch , would get grossed out real fast ... i tend to have a lot of "me" time
Easy, just use separate monitors and close down the laptop. Never understood people who can work on 13'-17' anyway. Just not very effective.
privacy is dead. it's no different cover webcam. You shared personal information on the internet especially in the social network and Google and Apple like Facebook can use easily our information and we cannot anything for protecting our life in the social life. New tech I mean Blockchain can help it! But I don't have idea.
no i cannot cover it.