Pro-Biotics and Gut Health - I found a site that has it all. (For Australian and New Zealand viewers) - Discount Code = $10 off

in #probiotic7 years ago (edited)



I don't normally get excited about these things. But after taking Water Kefir for over three months I can see the benefits. Why aren't we all doing it?? - I am more regular, sleep better, and have lost some weight.

My 12 y.o. son said 'It's great dad, I don't "spray the Bowl" any more, and I'm sleeping better.'

Do yourself a favour and investigate this and its health benefits. NO more ANTI - Biotics lets go for Pro-biotics.
(Of course check with your doctor soon) is the market leader in Australia & New Zealand for all your Gut Health needs. Get online and have a look. Use the word "welcome" at the checkout on your first order and get $10 off.

Your gut and overall health will improve.
