Problem Solution Essay Topics

in #problemsolutionessay5 years ago (edited)

problem-solution_essay.jpg Problem solution essay topics for high school:
School shootings
Problem: Specifically, point out that a school should be a safe place as parents would not like to send their children to a potentially dangerous place, where children spend half the day.
Solution 1: before admitting students for school, the school administration should make sure that students are mentally healthy. In case some students were spotted to demonstrate violent or aggressive behavior, they should undergo counseling.
Solution 2: there should be automatic lockdown systems in all educational establishments including schools. If there is a shooting outbreak, students will be able to find a place where they stay safe.
Solution 3: the school administration should regulate levels of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) intake by school shooters. Specifically, it will aid in the process of eliminating risks of students’ anger breakouts.

Problem Solution Essay Topics for Middle School Students:
The digital divide
Problem: Outline how the Internet helps people to stay in touch with each other. Besides, focus on one’s ability to access any type of information with the help of the Internet. Just imagine: if some part of the population was prohibited from using the Internet, it would be cut off from the rest of the world.
Solution 1: Free access to the Internet for all people. Make the Internet free, which is actually paid from taxes.
Solution 2: Focus on investigating Loon – Google’s project – which utilizes hot air balloons to help remote areas of the world get free Wi-Fi.
Solution 3: Come up with ideas regarding what legislation can be passed that would encourage large tech corporations to donate computers to remote areas of the world to help more and more people become technologically savvy.

Topics for Problem and Solution Essay at College:
Continuing war in the Middle East
Problem: The Middle East needs stabilization more than any other area of the world. Countries are deteriorating there and people do not get sufficient help.
Solution 1: Iran and Russia should collaborate in order to stop the spread of ISIS.
Solution 2: Saudi Arabia and Israel should be prohibited from supporting terrorist groups.
Solution 3: Troops should be withdrawn from areas where they are not welcome.

Problem Solution Essay Topics in Psychology:
Virtue signaling
Problem: This type of conduct is utilized in the process of justification one’s opinion while eradicating one’s feelings of guilt. As such, instead of focusing on the process of elimination one’s guilt, it places guilt on others.
Solution 1: Virtue signaling should be criminalized.
Solution 2: People should be educated why moral outrage is a contradiction in terms.
Solution 3: It is necessary to promote respect and patience within a community by means of media as well as in the workplace.