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Just kidding. I actually have 127 open, I forgot one window.
Talk about being scatterbrain. It's hard to focus in the 21st century with our attention spread out so broadly.
My top 5 causes for this:
1. Instant Communication Increases the amount of communication whether valuable or not
2. Habit: We've jumped on the technology bandwagon and keep adding new device, new apps, new experienes
3. We enjoy being entertained to death.
What's better, organizing the literal 100 things scattered about in your room or finishing the latest season of House of Cards?
When not under direct pressure to complete something, humans will procrastinate and choose the easy way out 99% of the time.
4. People in our life come and go so fast.
Who has the time, (money) and focus to dedicate even 4 straight hours with us alone. No phones, no outside interference. I'm talking about the mainstream American culture here not good 'ol country boys who still can enjoy nature and a slower pace of life. Being in California we're like destined to live a fast life and feel crippling boredom if we ever take 5 minutes to ourselves to do nothing. With 500 things to do, places to see, experiences to have for themselves, who is likely to keep the same friends even the next day?
5. There is a sense of doom over society's future.
With the news media constantly bombarding us with reasons to be fearful:
- War and terrorist threats
- Global Warming or rather "Climate Change"
- Huge National Debt (in the US but also applies to every western & most Eastern countries)
- Major changes in human relations: Lower marriages, higher transgenderism, polarized politics, groups diverging in beliefs greatly
- The fact that most governments rise and fall in cycles and the feeling America is overdue
Agree, disagree? Were you surprised with the direction my post took?
Let me know in the comments Steemians!
I can relate. I started crashing my Firefox to keep my old tabs in a restore window since there are too many. I blame it on the higher transgenderism.
Hmm, researching the transgenderism trend?
And how does keeping them in a restore tab help you?
I forgot why I said transgenderism.
The restore tab helps me keep all the links off one page and if I need it opened I just pop it. It's a lot easier than bookmarking.
OH but it stays there in multiple iterations? I thought if you don't restore when your e-open firefox it'll just disregard those tabs if u close and repopen it
couldn't you also just "save session" ?
Yeah it just stays in a shitton of layered crash screens. I'm lazy so that works for me.
I try to keep my tabs under about 20 and start killing browser sessions when I see my RAM usage is too high.
There are a couple of chrome extensions available for killing old tab sessions.
My problem or lack of one is I have tons of ram because it's a video editing machine. And with modern browsers I rarely see crashes anymore. Sometimes my PC is on for a day or two with all the tabs open even multiple incognito windows, because I need 4 separate sessions for managing all the accounts, marketing and social media tasks I do, rather than meticulously having to logoff and logon each one over and over all day.
But I can't just kill my sessions when they get too big
I have OCD related to information, see my latest post here on that:
Related to this post is my latest post on my OCD over information:
I thought I was bad. I have maybe ten tabs open at any-time. But they tend to be the same sites.
Do you think having a scatter-brain can actually be a good thing though? I mean the old farm style had a lot less things to keep track of. You pretty run the same routine everyday. I know cause I come from a farm.
But now that I'm in NYC, there's a million things to keep in mind. Train schedules, license renewals, deadlines, projects, family dinner, vacation spots... just to name a few.
I'm constantly jumping from one task to the next that if I don't change gears quick, I'll be covered in bills and other nonsense.