Have you ever thought how the idea of a marketplace started? Say amazon or eBay? These are standard replica of what existed in the real life. if you want to be a good product designer, then you must take inspiration from real life.You visited the shop nearby and you wanted to buy, and someone thought why not create a marketplace on the internet. There is a replica of real life things in the internet and marketplace which runs on commission model is the best business model out there. This is what fiverr is doing and it’s awesome to try fiverr and get work done.
I have an idea, look at the bus stop. The buses are coming and you get in a bus, how about we switch the idea for making travel deals website. The website is for the deals and people wait for it. Create the curiosity of getting people to buy stuff using the hourly deals.
Look at the library, you can create the replica of the same with membership program where people can keep 5 books in their app and after 30 days, it automatically disappears. This is what blinkist app is doing and it’s awesome. Relate your product with something that most people want to be solved. It’s huge problem and it needs a solution, this is your product to choose.
Have a list of ideas in a excel sheet and re-check with many other factors like will it work? will people like it? How can we market it? Marketing a product takes the same amount of time, effort and money equal to designing a product. Find the easiest way to change simple idea to reality which solves the problem for billion people and you are rich!
Thanks for reading my post, Have a nice day!!
It is better to design a new product from zero by your self!
there is nothing called new!! "everything is just a better version!