It is known as sweet whey, the dairy product obtained from the separation of the milk clot, during the production of cheese, which has a greenish-yellow color.

▶ In such a way the acid action of enzymes favors coagulation, which is obtained by the action of the rennet to be used (renin, digestive enzyme of ruminants) that are found in different presentations, solid (tablets), liquid and powder).

▶ Credits: Theartofcheese. – [Image of Public Domain]
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Its purpose is to break the colloidal system of milk into two fractions, the solid fraction composed mainly of insoluble proteins and lipids, which in its precipitation process drag and trap some of the water-soluble constituents.
In this sense, it is also important to point out that on the other hand, there is a small liquid fraction, corresponding to the sweet whey, in which all the different nutrients that were not integrated to the casein coagulation are suspended.
The characteristics and properties of sweet whey are considered a profitable food because of its high nutritional content; its proteins are extracted by different techniques and are used in nutritional supplements.

It is also used in the food industry to increase milk solids at a low cost and, due to its protein content, it is used as a foaming agent, to retain free water and as a thickener, being used in food, especially in confectionery.
NOTE: Reference material.