Life is mostly about productivity, and the results we get depends on mostly how we do what we do. I discovered an idea on this respect I feel worth sharing. As simple as it seems it can go miles in performing wonders for those who utilize. Lets dive straight into the meat of the matter as I lay it out in a few words, I am gonna expand on it later.
The secret is that of Harmony and Order in our environment and everything we do as relates to the results we get. When our senses and brain are getting a feeling of order and harmony they tend to function at their highest and best. This is oppossed to when there are being bombarded by disharmony and disorder. To leverage this principle and rule to reach your best in everything you do, do the following:
Eliminate all symetrical disagreements in your environment. That is things that do not agree with each other. Arrange everything to fit. Let colors rhyme, let shapes harmonize. For example, make a symetrical arrangement of all pieces of furniture and belongings. Let everything be arranged properlly. Let their be also auditory harmony. I hope you get. Also eliminate everything unclean.
Every action your take in the day should follow a certain symetrical order. That is why you need to plan your day. Arrange everything you are going to do in perharps the order of importance. And follow that order strictly. If you do the wrong thing in the day, or the right thing at the wrong time or vice versa, that sense of the events disagreeing with each other, intefers with the working of your brain which is taking it all in. It will focus on the disharmony in the information it is getting and will be attempting to resolve it instead of focusing on what you are doing.
Plan every single activty you wish to be productive in. Write out the steps you need to take in order. Write down what you will do at what time in a harmonious orderly fashion. Like if you want to read some books, pick a particular pleasing order and read them in that order. It could be in the order of year published, or the order of volume of content, or value of information. You will be surprised at the results if you follow this rule, than if you read randomely.
Now we will consider a few benefits of following this rule:
You will feel good about yourself. Infact if you plan out your day and every event of your day in a particular pleasing maybe neccessary order, and follow through on it, watch it you will feel more happy and good and satisfied with yourself than if you didnt. Infact a rule within a rule: Each time you are feeling bad find something that has symetrical harmony and observe it. It could be a painting or just your environment ( of course by now you would have known that beauty of any kind is caused by the presence of some kind of symeteical harmony between two or more things), you soon start dosing on that addictive feeling of goodness. I suggest you do this daily it will improve your emotional and psychological health. As you observe those things look at specially places where they are symetrical harmony. I.e in your envinroment etc.
It will boost creativity and performance
You will be able to think faster. It will be like greasing the metal parts of a car.You will increase the chances of you actually continuing the thing you are doing and finishing it. Because the task is organized, your brain will find it easier to process the information. If it were not organized soon you will wont know what exactly to do at what time and soon the brain will get confused and tired. A secret within a secret: Decision making saps up our mental strenght more than anything. That means you will be more mentally exhausted if you engage in making decisions ( depending on the volume and seriousness of the decision) than any other mental activity. Thats using the reasoning parts of our brain saps us most. If you doubt it try deciding on a serious course of action when you are tired and hungry. Thats why when faced with decisions in this state we tend to become irritated because of the stress it puts on us. The act of recall does the same thing too, that is remembering something, especially if that memory has receded so much or is somthing that happened far back in the past.
Finally if you follow this rule for a week, you will or your brain will develop the ability to mentally reorganize something that is disorganized. You can easily see order in disorder. I.e if somebody is working and his work is so disorganized that he is confused, if you come there you will easily organize his work and eliminate his confusion. You can even tell someone how to wear his clothes or dress to ensure harmony and beauty, even if you are not an expert in grooming. You will develop a sense of order. You will know what should come first and what should follow in almost anything.
Sorry this last one, you will become more likeable to people around you, your family, your spouse, your children. Since harmony and agreement will manifest in everything you do. Even in your speech you will know how to speak the words which at which time, thus creating a pleasing effect in your speech and keeping your listeners entertained.
Thanks for taking the patience to read. Remember to see any results you have to practice this in about 70- 90℅ of everthing you do otherwise you would be underestimating the effect of opposites cancelling each other out. Just like if you are eating and working at the same time, which is taking and losing energy at the same pace you wouldnt grow stronger. If you observe harmony and order and agreement in some things you do and do not in others the harmonious effect created by the first will be cancelled out by the disharmonious effect created by the other. So observe all rules in at least 65 -85% of everything you do.
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