Simplify your phone to enjoy life

in #productivity8 years ago (edited)


Last year, I did some changes on my phone to be less distracted.
Here some tips I learned during that journey :

  1. removing facebook app was one of the greatest thing I could have done.
  2. put safari in private mode, this way, each time you go on social media you need to enter your login/password (providing one more step to step back and do something else)
  3. only put on home screen no-infinite scroll apps and useful one for daily activities ( bye bye all social media apps, email). All others apps are now inside one folder on 2nd screen.
    3.always search your apps by typing the name inside the search bar, this way it also add a step where you ask yourself “is this really what I want to do right now”
  4. Install app like moment to see how much time you are using your phone and on which apps (this one is quite scary at first, you never imagine how much time you really are on you phone everyday)
  5. Turn notifications on only for “people” apps such as messages, calls, messenger. that’s it. no more notifications about emails, social media, sports, news. You should be in charge to see that kind of information when you want to see it, not when they want you to see it.

After doing these steps, it was a bit difficult at first because of the envy to check social media and the FOMO.
But then it stops, and the limitation of notifications is also a great idea.
Now I decide when to be notify about something, not my phone.

And you, do you have some tips or hacks to get less distracted?