Tips For Staying Productive

in #productivity7 years ago

Staying productive can be difficult for some people. Following these tips I give you will make it easier to continue to be productive.

  1. Limit The Tasks You Complete:

Don’t overwhelm yourself with finishing many tasks in one day. Ask yourself, “How many tasks can I accomplish today with how I am feeling”. Don’t push yourself by finishing every task you can possibly think of. Exceeding your limit will cause more stress then you need.

  1. Own A Planner/Create A Bullet Journal:

Carrying a planner with you at all costs is vital for the essence of productivity. You can track down dates of appointments or even things you have to accomplish each day. There is also an option of creating a Bullet Journal. You can design your weekly and monthly pages to accomplish tasks. I love using my Bullet Journal so I can make it artsy and create it how I want it to be.

  1. Set Reminders On Your Electronic Device:

Setting reminders on your cellphone is great! Setting reminders on your cellphone allows your phone to have a certain ringtone, so you know it is a reminder. Your phone will make a nice reminding you that you have to get something done. Reminders on your cellphone will also appear in your notifications once you turn your phone on from standby.

  1. Make Notes:

Use Post-It’s or even a sheet of paper to write reminders. You can make notes instead of using the reminders application on your device. Post-It’s I personally believe are great, you can stick them on your desk so you remember to accomplish tasks. Making notes on a sheet of paper such as, a To-Do list is a create option as well.



setting some alarms helps in those add moments lol

Yes... Setting alarms to wake up earlier or even setting reminders on your cell-phone can help you get some things done.