People who boast about "working" longer hours are the least productive.
They're the ones that talk about how much they work all day.
posting to signal that you work hard shows how lazy you are.
You wouldn't need to prove you work hard if you do, the proof will present itself.
If you did plenty work everyday, you would get tired of posting "grinding" everyday.
So I assume you work half of that, because you only post what you think is impressive.
The annoying one is the "retweet this if you're working at 2 am".
The people that work hard are not on Twitter by 2 am.
I bet they're not even awake.
If you're not exhausted by bedtime, it shows how much energy you left on the table. You're trying to exhaust yourself that late to make up for it.
Then tomorrow you'll find it difficult to start work.
You're very lazy and cover yourself in a grinding umbrella to make yourself feel good.
Then you ask yourself, "I've been putting in so much effort, why haven't I been as successful as the other guy".
It's because you're lazy, and you don't undrstand what work means. You're lacking very vital knowledge on what laziness is, how to overcome it and how to work.
They don't teach it in schools, but I wrote you an article that will help, enjoy: