It happened again.. what a shitty day.
It feels like I'm in this endless cycle of waking up sleep deprived, feeling like crap the whole day, distracting myself with meaningless menial tasks, grinding through work in the evening, then, finally feeling a bit better at night, getting a drink, relaxing and unwinding by binging Netflix or falling down an internet wormhole until stupid AM, at which point I curse myself and saying I'm not going to do this tomorrow..

Today was a bit worse than most days.. but only a bit.. I guess the sleep deprivation and alcohol is starting to get to me. I had 3 beers last night.. about average for me.. but I had a crippling hangover all day..
I think a lot of it is also stress induced.. all the things I keep putting aside or sweeping under the rug for later. They must be nagging at my subconscious and doing wonders for my frayed nerve endings..
Why is it the things that we want in life often seem to be the things that give us the most resistance.. having a drink and watching a movie is easy.. it's enjoyable.. at the time.. it feels like crap later though.
Getting up and running 5km is painful.. just the thought of it makes me drag my feet.. but I know if I do I'll feel great later! So why don't I?
Why is it so easy to just slip into a default routine of distractions and distressing? On this stage, excuses take a lead role. That big project I have to do.. always seems so BIG.. I don't have time for it NOW.. I'll do it later...
Even simple housework can seem like such a CHORE.. oh wait.. those are chores.. nvm..
But still.. my mind is fucked.. I need to find a way to hack my mental/emotional coping mechanisms that cause me to shutdown in the face of productivity, and opt to duck and cover to the nearest more pleasurable pastime instead.
Right now the rat race that im running is becoming more of a downward spiral into a wasted life of missed opportunities. I'm not looking for empathy.. I need something drastic to shake me out of this. I'm fed up with disappointing myself and those around me..
Do you have any advice? Tips, tricks, hacks, mental cow-prods to jump start a productive energetic life and break the loop of monotony and sleeplessness?
Please feel free to share your tools of the trade or secret routines that have helped you.. cause I'm at wits end! 😵
7day old post and no good replys!!
There are several things to do that I would suggest trying out..
Get a month membership at a sauna, and start going as many times as you can in that month :)
I have also been watching the videos and reading books from Ekhart Tolle, he has most his stuff on youtube and i download the audio and listen to it. He has a few books also.
Its the battle for our minds since a few years, we get so much stress from society and then we try to relive that stress by sitting infront of screens, which causes us more stress as its all more info going into our already busy minds.
I see you run? that can be made more fun and earn some steem for it to by using @actifit (if you arnt already?!)! I recently started jogging because i need to help my blood circulation which is fucked from smoking, and I also realise how it relaxes the body a lot from internal stored stresses.
Watching screens before we want to sleep keeps us awake also, plus recently whilst attempting to stop tabacco, I learnt that this also wakes us up, but I believe your a non smoker anyway since you didnt mention it.
Wow, first of all thanks for your awesome reply @movingman! It's a shame more people didn't take the time to write out such a thoughtful response.
I don't know about any saunas in the area, but there are some natural hot springs outside of the city. A bit of a drive but no membership fees ;)
I think you nailed it though about our stress relief tendencies actually being more stress inducing. The information overload clouds clear thinking and creates a mental fog that can seem crippling. Maybe meditation can help?
I do run, but I'm out of practice. I do miss it though. On top of feeling good after a nice run, it's a great way to get outside and get some direct sunlight, which is supposed to be good for sleep as well. I was a smoker but kicked the habit years ago. I need to quit drinking though, or at least cut back and delegate it to weekends only.
I appreciate the love and attention! Good luck with your quest to stop tabacco.. what helped me was focusing on how crappy I felt in the mornings etc. while I was reaching for a cigarette. Most of the time it was enough for me to say "I might want that cigarette now.. but I don't want to feel like shit later.."
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Hot springs?! What ya waiting for! Are you in USA?
Meditation would certainly help definatly, old wise ekhart is a good one for the non spiritual approach.. Ok.. A book, its on pootube if your nor into reading, The Power Of Now.. Link this with meditation and your laughin 😁
The nicotine problem for me is smoking spliffs that contain tobaco 😖
Might try the chewinggums with nicotine in them and I have a vape here for weed. Running is cool though especially when you relise your fitter than you thought! Its well quiet on here atm, are you on discord?
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In the states, we usually don't add tobacco to joints. 😎
I'm not on discord, but I have heard a lot of people mention it on this platform. Am I missing out?
Yeh your lucky, i was born in the uk so im fucked 😂 yeh its worth getting on discord man, especially since its quiet on here 😀
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