10 Basic Principles of Marketing in Social Media

in #professional7 years ago (edited)


Hello steemian friends who are doing business on the internet.

Do you know if the power of social media can help to increase your audience drastically. But without the experience or knowledge that supports, you can have difficulty in doing marketing on the channel.

There are some basic rules that you need to understand before plunging into the world of social media marketing. Here are ten fundamental principles of social media marketing expressed by Susan Gunelius, marketing expert and CEO of KeySplash Creative Inc.

1#Lots of listening
To succeed in the world of social media and content marketing, you should listen more than speak. Read the content created by your target audience, then join the discussion to understand what they need. After that you can create content and discussion that add value, not even annoying.

Trying to do all the things will not lead you to success. You need focus, including in marketing in social media. Create content that is centered on a field to build a strong brand image. It's better than trying to please everyone.

3#Prioritize quality
Quality always beats quantity. You'd better have 1,000 audiences who are actively reading, sharing and discussing your content, rather than the 10,000 audiences that simply appear once and disappear.

The success of social media and content marketing can not happen overnight. Indeed there are sometimes people who are lucky and immediately explode viral. But the chances are very small. Better you commit to target long-term results.

5#Use different paths
Image Source: Digital Vidya

When you've created quality content, the next step is to pass it on. Do not get stuck in a single content distribution path. Use all sorts of social media available (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.) so that your content can be known to many people. The more channels you deploy, the more it will be easier to find you on Google.

6#Take advantage of influencers
Spend your time searching for powerful influencers, and having a quality audience that fits your target market. Connect with people like this. Position yourself as a party that has power and has useful information. Thus, influencers are interested in sharing your content with the public.

7#Add value
If what you write just promotes your product or service, people will quickly lose interest. The content you provide must have added value. Do not be too confusing conversions, instead focus on creating quality content and establishing relationships with consumers and influencers. These people have the power to spread your product.

8#Don't ignore
If anyone comes to you in the real world, you certainly will not just ignore it, do you? Do the same in cyberspace. Building relationships is one of the keys to successful marketing in social media, so you need to pay attention to everyone who tries to contact you.

9#Don't disappear

After publishing the content, do not just disappear. You should also participate in discussions or comments that appear. Audiences in cyberspace will quickly leave you if they feel you are not updating consistently, or seem to care less about them.

10#Give reciprocity
Do not expect others to share or promote your content if you do not do the same for them. Some of the time you spend on social media should you use to promote the content of others. This kind of indirect collaboration will benefit both sides, and make your audience grow faster.

that's 10 principles for digital marketing to run smoothly, please comment if there are additional tips from friends.


Very interesting article and good advice @akhywali It was a pleasure to read it :)

Thank you

Very good advice all around. I think it's interesting that your first tip was listening. That's probably the most important tip for any type of business interaction and yet it's so often overlooked because it seems passive.

yes, you are right. That is why in business we should always listen to whatever our aundien wishes