Prior Things :
Never ever say “I have no interest in programming” (who cares that you don’t?)
Never say that all programmers are nerds. Have a look at the image below:
picture: John Sonmez (do you think he ‘looks’ like a nerd? NO!)
Other things You should avoid :
Don’t ask us to fix your PC
Don’t ask “Can you hack X?” (especially Facebook, don’t even think about asking)
If we talk with you in our free time don’t assume that we all have time available.
Don’t assume that we are soft minded people. We have to think a lot about specific problems and it literally gives a cancer until it’s solved.
We are not boring. No we are not! Introversion doesn’t mean we are boring. Don’t even try to talk about that.
About Gesture/Look. It is really painful to sit in front of PC for long span of time.
Programming isn’t all about typing. Programming isn’t easy. If you know “Hello, World” in different languages keep that to yourself. That is not programming.
“I am an HTML programmer”. By telling people that, you are insulting yourself and us too. Sorry, but HTML isn’t a programming language.
Treat us like other people. Sometimes we don’t understand foul jokes/attacks/pretenses. Sorry you are not allowed to hurt us!!!
You’ll be able to understand another programmer if you are a programmer. Sorry for being rude!
Read something cray the other day, guy told a dev to look for another job as there are now apps for everything. Perhaps he knew not that devs build apps.
There are some buff/athletic people in the math/programming/science fields.
As an example, here is MathDoctorBob. If I saw him randomly down the street, I would have never guessed that he can teach math.
I can relate with the introversion and sitting in front of a PC for a long time.