Your first thought on selecting a language is, what do I want to accomplish....
- Well the easiest language to learn is Python, VB.NET, PHP, SQL, and C#. These languages will get you programming within a year for most.
- The most powerful language is C++. This programming language runs on a variety of platforms.
- The language that is a must to learn is Java.
Yes, if you're looking for a new career or build any apps, Java is it. - Looking to build mobile apps: Java, C++ and objective-C.
- Static web pages: HTML and CSS.
- Server-Side languages: PHP, Python, Ruby.
You can start at any age to learn programming.
There's many more languages that i didn't mention in this short post.
You can find all the languages here on Wiki.
Its free to learn, there's plenty of free sites which we have listed below.
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Steemit Links
- Java:
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Python Tutorial: C++:
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Thank you for the guide. I'm new to programming and this guide just helped me get a rough idea on where to start.
I have tried several times, and I honestly think I do not have what it takes. Still, what of Apple's new language? Would it better to just learn Swift at this point and skip Obj-C for the most part?
Yes i would learn swift over obj-c. Learning a language takes time, a lot of practice making small apps helps.
You forgot about javascript/node.js
Yes there's lots of good languages.
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I've been out of the coding world for a while. PHP is pretty old... how does it stack up against Ruby?
Love this post, gonna learn java now.
I really think you should choose the language that fits your application. I believe you did a great representation of how to choose between the seemingly infinite list of languages. You will also learn a language a lot quicker if your job pays you to code in it. You will be pushed to learn the language and paid to do it. Thank you for your post!
This, exactly. A language is a tool like any other. Sometimes you use a hammer, sometimes you use a screwdriver.
The language is also more than just the syntax (which is the least interesting, but often most obsessed over aspect of a programming language); it is the ecosystem surrounding that syntax, with the libraries written in it and the community using it.
Knowing Java is great not because the syntax is great (though it's getting better); it has the most libraries developed for it, which means you can build very large scale applications without reinventing wheels. Ruby has a great ecosystem for design-centric web development. Python has a great ecosystem with lots of libraries for scientific and numeric processing and so on. PHP has a great ecosystem for smaller websites, e-commerce, etc.; it's a perfectly decent language for that type of job, but you wouldn't want to try to build an inventment bank's risk engine using it.
Great reply. Thank you!
Great resources and insight for a new coder, thanks!
Back when I was in my first year we studied Turbo Pascal as our first programming language and that was ages ago . We even have to design the interface programmatically since visual programming was not yet introduce.