Expansion into Web3, connecting to my fingers.

in #programming7 days ago


Learn2Code better(er)

Vibe and flowstate, music enhanced algorithmic artistry

I get distracted a lot, and easily. I find myself flowing between an internalized introspective, hard nose-2-code moments, and moments where I can barely maintain focus on any given tasks. This scatter-brained tendency has been increasing lately. Like a hyper-focused on/off switch. Interesting enough, music really helps with re-centering my focus towards goals I wish to achieve.

I am viewing code in a more complete and harmonious way, i think. What I mean is I'm structuring my codebase more in a methodical way. I'm attempting to maintain strict guidelines and annotations, and use the correct implementations of objects/functions as they are needed. Trying to de-spaghettify my logic so modules are isolated as much as they can. This is to minimize errors within the codebase which crop up when one function is fixed, but another is being fed data from the first.


Can I? Should I? Worth it?

As I'm working on this bot I am asking myself if this is worth it at all, if I should continue to devOps in this manner, or if I should find another project to put my efforts into. It wouldn't be all for naught, I could easily wrap up some loose ends on this bot and just push it open source publically. I was fully planning on doing that anyways, just waiting for a time for it to feel a bit more complete.

Or I could continue to dev this bot out and make it into something whacky and crazy. The artist in me wants to extrapolate and figure out extremely novel ways of interacting with the world, but the practical person buried somewhere inside of me is saying to find an end and end it. Maybe I'll keep it cooking for a bit longer, until I figure out the next project I want to embark on.

Writing these blogs is great to get my fingers flowing on the keyboard. The mind-hand-finger connection is strange, in a way. Playing piano and typing on a keyboard, I feel the similarities between how they both ignite a part of my brain which is more introverted in perspective.

Anyways. Carry on.