Finding where to start

in #programminglast month

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Where to start

So writing a script that works felt like the place to start. I made a wallet checker on the Algorand network and it worked. So I transition this to a teelgram bot im coding and it doesn't.

The bot itsself works. I can do commands like /start and get a response, but using the built in commands I am trying to implement isnt working.

I'm wondering if I should have started with the bot first. But then I wonder if there is something else i should start off with, before I even make the bot work. I'm high-flying using my knowledge of computers along with AI to help me code up these projects. I'm not some code-master, but I know enough to code-jitsu some AI into giving me what I need.

Random blog is random, but it does make me wonder:

Just diving headfirst into unknown is daunting and sometimes leads to fixing many issues that could have been prevented from occuring.

But also

Overplanning and having to large of a scope leaves one with a paralysis of inaction, task paralysis, as the ever increasing scope leaves one forgetting the details are what need crafting.

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